Quoting Heino Herrlich from Mar 6

> Peter wrote:
> PG> I get this error with emergeing tetex-2.0-r1:
> PG> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2.2/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld:
> PG> warning: libmysqlclient.so.10, needed by /usr/lib/libwwwxml.so, not 
> PG> found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
> PG> /usr/lib/libwwwsql.so: undefined reference to `mysql_connect'
> PG> /usr/lib/libwwwsql.so: undefined reference to `mysql_create_db'
> Did you add mysql to the USE variables in your make.conf?
> net-libs/libwww (needed by tetex) has mysql as a package dependency
> and so i think it should be compiled with mysql support. Maybe
> recompiling it with mysql enabled will do it.
> Hope that helps.

Yes, thanks.

I got it (tetex) installed by removing mysql-4, because that 
conflicts with libwww, which is needed by tetex.

To accomplish this, I had to _remove_ mysql from the USE flags (it
causes an upgrade o -4.0.11a), and manually emerge

This in turn has a bug (#16767), so I first had to set:
to get it to compile.

So it runs now.

But the question now is: does this qualify as a portage or an mysql 
ebuild bug?
As I see it, the mysql-4 ebuilds should check for the libwww 
incompatibility (the libwww ebuild does!), and warn about it, no?
Or mysql 3.x/4.x be put in different SLOTS so they can be installed 
in parallel, which might get messy?

"The Empire never ended."
        Tractates: Cryptica Scriptura, no. 6

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