As always, the first question to ask is "what am i protecting against"
before you can evaluate how "secure" something is. Security is a process,
New Jersey is a state.

Having said that, since I assume you
are using OpenSSH as opposed to SSH Communications SSH.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Wesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] ssh, how secure?

> HI all,
> I have been using Linux since SuSE 5.2, so by now even a few of my
> organs are penguin shaped.  As such, I have always used ssh to work
> using password protected private/public key stuff.  Nothing special going
> between the two.
> I was suggesting to my boss using something similar to tunnel an unusual
> database client connection to a /very/ remote server.  Althogh he was up
> giving the idea a quick test run, he keeps asking "Exactly how secure is
> this?"
> I was quite of the opinion that it *is*.
> But the question has to be, how secure is ssh?
> Anyone have any pointers?
> Tom Wesley
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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