On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Tom Wesley wrote:

>Could anyone with a similar board and 2 MP 2400's check their output with my 

2:59pm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /root/tsm-1.0 (17) tsm

-= Copyright(c) 2001-2003 Tyan Computer Corporation        =-
-=                                                         =-
-= Hardware Monitoring Utility  1.0                        =-
-= for S2462                                               =-

Loop #0

CPU1 Fan = 0.000 cyc/s
CPU2 Fan = 0.000 cyc/s
Chassis Fan 1 = 0.000 cyc/s
Chassis Fan 2 = 80.000 cyc/s
Chassis Fan 5 = 0.000 cyc/s
Chassis Fan 6 = 0.000 cyc/s
CPU1 Core Volt = 1.696 Volt
CPU2 Core Volt = 1.696 Volt
System Volt 3.3V = 3.200 Volt
System Volt 5V = 4.761 Volt
System Volt 12V = 11.781 Volt
System Volt -12V = -12.276 Volt
AGP Volt = 1.552 Volt
DDR Volt = 1.232 Volt
Battery Volt = 3.328 Volt
Standby 3.3V = 3.360 Volt
CPU1 Temp = 59.000 C degree
CPU2 Temp = 48.000 C degree
VRM1 Temp = 59.000 C degree
VRM2 Temp = 61.000 C degree
DDR Temp = 61.000 C degree
AGP Temp = 61.000 C degree

Mine is a 2460 with a single AthlonXP 1800+

I have 5 case fans, (The silentPC type, very quiet) 1 processor fan, Fan 
on the NVidia GF4 TI4200, Fan in the Power Supply.

Hope that helps,

Christopher Fisk
BOFH Excuse #36:
dynamic software linking table corrupted

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