My pet monkey insists that on Sep 23 2003 at 01:57PM
Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> warbled:

> This is worse than downloading a single mirror. If every body did that the 
> stress on the mirrors would be much worse than it is already. The good thing 
> about bittorrent is that clients would get better speeds than they are 
> currently with only a tiny amount of extra stress put on the mirrors. 
> Depending on how nice clients are on average, it could actually lessen the 
> stress on the mirrors while still increasing overall bandwidth of downloads.

TBH I don't see what bittorrent has got overly a properly configured
make.conf. I used mirrorselect way back when I originally installed gentoo &
have never had less than around 250Kb from the mirrors.

Sure, the mirrors need a lot of bandwidth, but I'm sure they understand that
when setting them up.

 .~.       Terry Churchill : [EMAIL PROTECTED]          .''`.
 /V\                   ICQ : 256731870                     : :'  :
/(_)\                 `. `'`
 ^ ^                                                         `- 

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