Can someone tell me if this could pose any problems and if so what would my recourse 


On section 8 of the install guide I have finished downloading the Stage3 tar.bz2. 

At this point I've already executed the command "cd /mnt/gentoo" and then open links2 
to download
the needed stage3 tarball. After the download completed..

I'm suppose to execute "tar -xvjpf /mnt/gentoo/stage3*"

Instead I jumped the gun thinking that since I have already executed "cd /mnt/gentoo" 
that I could
simply just execute "tar -xvjpf stage3*" without having to add /mnt/gentoo/ path to 
the tar

Would this have been fine to run the command like this at this point?

Needless to say I didn't catch my mistake until about a minute after already executing 
the (what I
think now) the wrong command. So I did a Ctrl C and then re-executed the command like 
documentation wants. "tar -xvjpf /mnt/gentoo/stage3*"

If my initial execution wasn't correct, and see'ing what I didn't in number 2 above, 
will this
overwrite the files that were already written or not? If not, what do I possibly need 
to do to
correct this before I rm the Stage3tar.bz2 file?

Sorry for my noobness... 

Joshua Banks

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