On Wednesday 24 September 2003 20:39, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
> Joe Stone wrote:
> > I have a dual celeron and it works.
> > Some packages will only compile on one CPU (then the -j3 is replaced
> > by -j1 in the ebuild MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1")
> > I remember some kde-packages which do this: arts, kdelibs :-( and so
> > on
> well i only noticed it last night while installing some kde stuff so that
> might be it, will have a play and see
> > Some other questions only for my interest:
> > Which board do you use? Have you XP or MP?
> Gigabyte 7DPXDW
> http://tw.giga-byte.com/Server/Products/Products_GA-7DPXDW-P.htm
> With 2x athlon 2200+ MP and 1GB of ECC ram. Water-cooled with 1/2" tubing,
> danger den waterblocks and a whopping ehiem pump - fan noise was driving me
> mad :)
> Thought about modding some XP's but didn't feel brave enough, metallic
> paint would make it tricky to RMA them should I need to.
> Very happy with it actually, makes for a kicking workstation. Cannot see me
> going back to a single CPU machine ever again.

I second that.  I have a pair of 2400 MP's (also too scared for metalic 
paint).  I also have fans due to the expense of liquid cooling - my tower 
hovers about 2 inches off the ground :-)

I have noticed that many compiles override the MAKEOPTS, which I guess is fair 
enough if the authors believe that it wont compile using multiple jobs.  My 
understand is:

  Two files:
    a.cpp   - creates shared object a.so
    b.cpp   - creates executable b, but requires a.so to link

Therefore if the two jobs of compiling a.cpp and b.cpp start simultaneously, 
linking of b.cpp will fail.
My specifics will probably be a little off there, but I believe it is the 
correct jist.

Tom Wesley

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