On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 18:31:59 -0500 Jacob Smullyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I recently installed Gentoo on 4 servers.  On one of them, I get the
> following error when I run sudo:
>   # sudo su -
>   sudo: can't stat /var/tmp/portage/sudo-1.6.7_p5/image//etc/sudoers: No
>   such file or directory
>   sendmail: Cannot open mail:25
> The same error occurs when I try to run visudo.  Now, sendmail is one
> problem; I haven't configured postfix yet on the box.  But the rest is
> mystifying.  I've recompiled sudo several times, both with pam in my
> USE and without pam.  Still the same thing.  The sudo version is
> 1.6.7_p5.  Anyone come across this?

Looks like you haven't created the /etc/sudoers file.  Mine looks like this:

# sudoers file.
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a sudoers file.

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# Defaults specification

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL

# Same thing without a password
 %wheel ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

# Samples
# %users  ALL=/sbin/mount /cdrom,/sbin/umount /cdrom
# %users  localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now


Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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