I've a Gentoo laptopo with a HP DeskJet 845C USB.
I've followed the printing guide from the official gentoo site, but something doesn't work good...

The first time i've used "hpijs" drivers, wich are the reccomended one from linuxprinting.org, with foomatic db.
I've installed it and from the CLI everything seems to be good. Then I opened the Cups Web Interface, the printer is ready, so i tried to print the Test Page but i received this error message:

"Media tray empty!"

I've looked for it on Google and i've found some information about a Bug, but all the links to informations about it are broken.

So, I've tried with gimp-print drivers , my printer is supported from them.
I created another printer , configured to use this driver and almost everything seems to work but the color.
Every printing done with this driver is Greyscale. i've looked in the options and the colors (normal option) are enabled.

What can i do now?
I would like to use the hpijs driver , but also the gimp would be good if colors were avaible.


P.S. I think that all besides the printing driver is ok, cupsd is running, usb and usb-printing modules are loaded.

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