Jason Stubbs schreef:
> On Thursday 26 May 2005 23:36, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>On Thu, 26 May 2005 16:24:28 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:
>>>Now of course I know that Portage depends on Python, and I certainly
>>>don't want to mess up Portage, so how do I get rid of this version of
>>>Python (or how do I recover if there's no way to get rid of it without
>>>breaking anything)?
>>Portage depends on Python 2.3, unmerging that and leaving 2.4 could break
>>things, the other way round shouldn't.
> Portage works with >=python-2.2. Unmerging either 2.3 or 2.4 should not cause 
> any troubles with portage at all as the libraries and scripts live outside 
> the python directories.

OK, that's reassuring-- but what still concerns me a bit is that when I
request to unmerge a specific version of Python, Portage:

1) does not confirm (before getting hysterical) the version I am unmerging;

2) gets all hysterical as if I am uninstalling a mission-critical
application -- which it "knows" I am not, because the original ebuild
was not only installed to a new slot, but also gave me a statement that
my original Python was being retained for compatibility, etc, etc.

Of course I know that that's just an echo of something the ebuild writer
typed, but still, it does seem as if Portage has the ability to
recognize that a valid version of Python will remain installed after my
operation is complete, and the alarm with which it reacts is confusing
insofar as I cannot be certain that the correct version is about to be
uninstalled, and there is no way for me to 'remove' or verify which
Python is being considered a critical system application (my virtuals
seem to only say "Python", not a particular version thereof, and if any
other such system files specify a particular version of Python, I don't
know what file that might be. Naturally, a qpkg search gives me the same
list of reverse dependencies for both versions).

>>However, it is worth playing safe, so use quickpkg to build a binary
>>package of any potentially important package before unmerging it. Even if
>>you break portage, you can still install a binary package with
>>tar xf /path/to/package.tbz2 -C /
> This is always good advice.

Yes, and I'll be taking that, too. So I should quickpkg 2.3? and
Portage? Fair enough.

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