It was a baselayout change. If you'd checked all the changes you would have seen much of the stuff has moved to /etc/conf.d files. For example, rc.conf is stripped down but the items that were there are now in files in /etc/conf.d.

 On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Walter Dnes wrote:

 I just ran "emerge sync" and  "emerge --ask --deep --update --world"
on my main machine and on my "hot backup" machine.  There seemed to be a
few more items than usual, even though I do update every week or so.
After the update, I saw a message about approximately 40 config files
needing updates... OUCH.  Given what I've seen so far in the first 3 or
4, I'm tempted to throw out the rest, sight unseen.  rc.conf is totally
stripped down, and probably defaults galore.  Is UTC (rather than local)
the default?  I don't want it.  I've also set 10-pixel high fonts on
640x480 text consoles (VGA=6) to give a crisp 84x48 display that's much
nicer than VGA 80x50 with crummy 8-pixel-high fonts.  The default is 16
pixels, giving 80x30 on a 19" CRT, wasting screen space.  I've also set
inittab to give me 10 text consoles, with X showing up on tty11 and log
messages on tty12.  I don't want to drop back to the default 6 consoles.

 I am grateful that my current configs weren't overwritten, but I would
still like to know what hit me.


Brett I. Holcomb
Registered Linux User #188143
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