> Le Mercredi, 6 Juillet 2005 15.52, Holly Bostick a ecrit :
>>Hey, ho--
>>I've finally got around to setting up sudo. It works fine, except for
>>one thing.
>>I made a Cmd_Alias group which includes a lot of utility apps. And, like
>>many of you, I included emerge in this group.
>>But a lot of the time, I have to echo to one of the files in
>>Echo is in the sudo-ed group, and echo isn't the problem-- the problem
>>is that permission is refused to write to the file itself
>>As I see it, this error can mean only one of two things:
>>sudo does not give me a login shell (so my UID is 'really' still my UID
>>and not root's, and I don't have permission to write to the file); or
>>there is another, "invisible" cli utility responsible for actually
>>writing to the file, which is not sudo-ed.
>>Or could it be something else?
>>In any case, does anybody know how I could fix this? It's really
>>screwing up my useability, which was just starting to shape up nicely :-) .
> I think the problem come from the fact that echo is sudo-ed but the shell 
> redirection isn't.
> Compare this:
> su -c "echo foo > /etc/portage/whatever"
> and 
> su -c "echo foo" > /etc/portage/whatever
> The first one will succeed, but not the second.
> To solve your problem, I would just do:
> chgrp -R portage /etc/portage
> chmod -R g+w /etc/portage

Well, it didn't work (this to all the respondents).

I did change the group and mod of /etc/portage, but even before I did:

"sudo echo 'media-video/xine-ui ~x86' >>/etc/portage/package.keywords"
-bash: sudo echo 'media-video/xine-ui ~x86'
>>/etc/portage/package.keywords: Onbekend bestand of map

("unknown file or folder", which is at least different, but not really
much of an improvement, and no, before someone asks, putting a space
before /etc doesn't help)

and even after chowning and chmodding:

 sudo echo 'media-video/xine-ui ~x86' >>/etc/portage/package.keywords
-bash: /etc/portage/package.keywords: Toegang geweigerd

(permission refused)

with the quotes, it's unknown file or folder.

la /etc/portage
totaal 51
drwxrwxr-x   5 root portage  384 jun 13 00:40 .
drwxr-xr-x  88 root root    7312 jul  6 16:15 ..
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage 9757 jul  6 17:09 package.keywords
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage 6164 mei 26 11:47 package.keywords~
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage   64 jun 15 05:27 package.mask
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage  100 mei 16 14:57 package.mask~
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage  105 jun 15 05:27 package.unmask
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage  103 mei 15 21:09 package.unmask~
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage 2252 jun 30 12:32 package.use
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage 1616 mei 12 15:46 package.use~
drwxrwxr-x   2 root portage   80 nov 26  2004 profile
drwxrwxr-x   2 root portage   72 jun  2 13:10 profiles
drwxrwsr-x   2 root portage   48 okt 27  2004 sets

Not really sure what good the portage group was supposed to do anyway,
since root is a member of that group, but then again root owns the whole
shebang anyway. The user is not a member of the portage group.

Should I chown the folder -R to users? (seems again quite not the
point)? It still seems that what I really want is a login shell that I'm
not getting.

I'm really lost. Where am I going wrong?

Oh, btw, just remembered-- this is bash 3. Does that make a difference?


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