Am Donnerstag, 1. April 2010 schrieb

> thanks for all the input to all who have answered ! :)
> I will try to characterize ("characterise" ?) what I plan to do with
> my TByte disk.

Characterise if you’re in British domains, characterize if you are in the US.

> Last thing: I have a lot iof copies of code from svn repositories because
> I like to have the "bleeding edge" of some projects (do you know the
> new Blender 2.50??? :O)

I’ve tried 2.50 yesterday, but something’s not right here. Does yours run 
normally? When I didn’t get it to compile by hand (mkdir build; cd build; 
cmake ../; make), I tried an ebuild (also to make sure I have all 
dependencies). That compiled through, but the GUI is incomplete and buggy. I 
get lots of "missing module bpy_types" on startup, but the file is there. Do 
you have some hints?
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
I haven’t lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!

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