Adrian wrote:

>On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 20:42:58 +0300
>Rumen Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:
>>Hi Adrian,
>>Currently i use 'qpkg --dups -v', it's in "app-portage/gentoolkit" but
>>for some time is deprecated (+ etcat) and their replacement is
>>'equery'. When emerging latest (~x86 in my case) at the end of emerge
>>there are some info about "qpkg&etcat" move them if you wish to use.
>>A quick check of equery options didn't show the same tool (output all
>>slotted packages), somebody?
>>HTH. Rumen
>I have qpkg installed myself, and ran the command you specified. 
>Amongst the other duplicate packages I got for freetype:
>Looks like I'm . . . shafted??
>I hate it when this happens....
This is normal to have two slotted versions of freetype as they
(different major versions) are required by other packages. So no problem
Regards. Rumen

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