On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 09:51:48PM +0800, ?? wrote

> Thinks everyone:
>  DNS woks well for me. i can ping www.google.com. Just can't access
>  it in web-browsers without rebooting system.Sometimes I thought mybe
>  it's the problem of Power.But now i doubt  about it! Because even
>  while I am watching videos online( about half an our) it happens.
> Here is the wireshark capture result:    I don't know why there are
> so manay "RTS".

  I had a problem authenticating with the wifi domain at the local
library when I first tried it.  It turns out that the local library
intercepts the first http:// attempt and sends you to a page win the block.  My iptables configuration was copied from my desktop,
which had no reason to expect traffic from that area.  So it blocked it, which prevented me from signing in.

  Your situation sounds like you have a half-hour lease on an IP
address, and something goes wrong when the lease is renewed, or
attempted to be renewed.  A couple of suggestions...

- heavy-handed "solution"... can you set up dhcpcd to get you a longer
  lease than 30 minutes on your IP address?

- check your iptables rulesets and logs.  Do you have any iptables rules
  that generate RST's at your end?  If you get desparate, try running
  for 45 minutes with iptables turned off

- what does your netbook's /etc/resolv.conf look like...
  1) before going online
  2) after going online successfully
  3) after a half-hour

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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