
* fe...@crowfix.com <fe...@crowfix.com> [24.09.2010. @21:11:46 -0700]:
> I have recently discovered Dropbox as an interesting thing to
> experiment with, not without its drawbacks, but interesting.
> I have it running on a work Mac laptop and an Android phone, and it is
> another interesting idea to put it on Linux.  However, its downloads
> are for Fedora and Ubuntu, or a source file which requires Nautilus.
> Also, I don't want its daemon running constantly, altho that feature
> is part of what makes it interesting wth the laptop and phone.
> Searches bring up various pages, but nothing really promising, either
> old or rather convulated or still using Mautilus.  One involves a
> python script which apparently runs the command over and over, each
> time creating one more fake lib to make up for the Fedora/Ubunto ones
> required.  No thanks ... while an interesting hack, it's not my idea
> of a way to the future :-)
> So the question is ... does anyone have experience with Dropbox on
> gentoo?  My system is ~amd64, running fvwm when necessary, neither KDE
> nor Gnome.  I'd really like a command line program which I could run
> for manual syncing.

I'm using Dropox to synchronize few conf files and data between my
Gentoo boxes (desktops and server). I only use it in CLI, without
nautilus or something else (my server has no X server).
Since I do not want to let Dropbox having clear data, I encrypt
them with encFS. Lokk at these few links I used :
https://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx (official page, the first
solution is for server install)
http://wiki.dropbox.com/TipsAndTricks/TextBasedLinuxInstall (the
tutorial itself)
https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/dropbox.py (the CLI script)
(an encFS+Dropbox tutorial, very useful)

Then I run .dropbox-dist/dropbox (or .dropbox-dist/dropboxd if I want it
as a daemon) when I want a synchronization. Run it without '&' and type
ctrl-C to stop it after sync, or write a simple start/stop script.



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