On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 08:16:08AM -0700, walt wrote

> I'm confused about that xulrunner flag because I set it to 'browser' in
> my own firefox builds, and so do the binary builds from mozilla. Do you
> have the xulrunner USE flag set?

  No.  "emerge --info | grep xulrunner" doesn't find anything.  I'll
have to modify that.

> > I have the "moznopango" flag set, which is supposed to speed things
> > up, but about:buildconfig indicates that pango is enabled.
> If you referring to a USE flag, I don't see it anywhere.  Must be obsolete.

  OK, I'll have to modify that.  Wonder why the Gentoo ebuild maintainer
dropped it.

> > --disable-strip --disable-strip-libs --disable-install-strip
> > Why?  I thought most packages stripped code after install.
> Do you have the 'debug' USE flag set?

  No.  "emerge --info | grep debug" doesn't find anything.  I'll have to
modify that.

> > --enable-oji
> Open JVM Integration:  it enables support for the java plugin named
> libjavaplugin_oji.so

  Since I don't bother with Java, I may as well disable this.

  Some additional spelunking in the ebuild file finds...
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-extensions="${MEXTENSIONS}"
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-application=browser
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-mailnews
mozconfig_annotate 'broken' --disable-crashreporter
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-image-encoder=all
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-canvas
mozconfig_annotate 'gtk' --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2
# Bug 60668: Galeon doesn't build without oji enabled, so enable it
# regardless of java setting.
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-oji --enable-mathml
mozconfig_annotate 'places' --enable-storage --enable-places
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-safe-browsing

# Build mozdevelop permately
mozconfig_annotate ''  --enable-jsd --enable-xpctools

# System-wide install specs
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-installer
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-updater
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-strip
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-install-strip

# Use system libraries
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-system-cairo
mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-system-hunspell
mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nspr --with-nspr-prefix="${EPREFIX}" /usr
mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nss --with-nss-prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr
mozconfig_annotate '' --x-includes="${EPREFIX}"/usr/include     
mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-bz2
mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-libxul
mozconfig_annotate '' 

  Looks like I can tweak stuff in the ebuild via "mozconfig_annotate"
lines, and then...

ebuild firefox-3.6.9.ebuild manifest
emerge firefox

  Updating new ebuilds after each "emerge --sync" will be simpler than
maintaining firefox outside of portage via manual builds.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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