Iain Buchanan <iaindb <at> netspace.net.au> writes:

> over the last week or so I've noticed unusually large swap usage.  I
> usually hibernate this laptop and have uptimes up to 12 days so apps can
> run for a long time.  

Hello Iain,

>From a hardware guy; If you really need hibernate, use it.
No laptop was designed to stay powered on continuously
despite the features in software and hardware. The system will
collect more dust internally than if powered up and down. Heat
is EVIL on electronics no matter what you do. Power consumption
minimization (at this point in time) is still quite young
and there are all kinds of non published issues with all
sorts of memory and chips. Fans do not have the mtbf rates
any where near what the published times are for processors.

I could go on and on, but you get the point....

If you need hibernate, use it. If you do not, your hardware
will last longer being powered down. Don't just hibernate or 
allow other users to do it, just because they are lazy. Several 
efforts are bearing fruit for fast (parallel) boot these days.....


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