On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 23:52, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a laptop running Gentoo (with dual-boot to Windows XP). It was
> manufactured in 2004 and battery life have been consistent for all
> those years. However, it sat dormant for almost a year, after which I
> did a few days worth of updating to bring it up to current kernel and
> ~amd64 package levels. There are two issues that have arisen:
> 1) The smart battery is not so smart anymore. It only charges about
> halfway, then the charging light turns green and it stops. Effective
> battery capacity is about one-third of what it used to be. From what I
> understand, while Li-ion don't have "memory" like old Ni-Cd batteries,
> the "smart" circuitry cannot account for power drain that happens when
> the battery is not in use. Say the battery lost half of its power
> while it was in storage, so the chip thinks charge is at one level
> when it is really much lower. When recharging, it stops when it is
> "full" even though it's only halfway there.
> Has anyone successfully re-calibrated one of these batteries to
> recognize a larger capacity?
> My understanding is that, to do this, I should discharge at a constant
> rate until it is empty, then charge to full. Repeat ?? times. I've
> drained the poor little battery after regular usage (not a constant
> rate of discharge) a few times and haven't noticed any change so far.
> So I'm probably doing it wrong (or completely misunderstanding...)

AFAIK, this is the advised way to dis/charge Li-ion batteries to keep
their performance up. But since you left it to sleep for a year, you
probably lost some of the cells to death. You can perhaps try keep
doing that not to loose any more of them.

> This is complicated by my second problem:
> 2) If I click on the Power Management in the KDE system settings, it
> says "Number of CPUs 0" "Number of batteries 0" and battery-related
> options are greyed out. Since battery monitoring does not work, I have
> no idea how much battery life is left and have no warning when it
> suddenly shuts down, causing filesystem corruption and who knows what
> other problems.
> Everything in /proc/acpi/battery/ seems normal and /proc/cpuinfo does as well:
> $ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info
> present:                 yes
> design capacity:         4400 mAh
> last full capacity:      1984 mAh
> $ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state
> present:                 yes
> capacity state:          ok
> charging state:          charged
> present rate:            0 mA
> remaining capacity:      1984 mAh
> present voltage:         16384 mV

Only ~45% [1985/4400*100] of your battery seems to be alive. For
reference, I have 3062/4400*100 ~70% of a 5 year old battery here and
I have not paid attention to the above mentioned dis/charge advise.

I don't know why KDE cannot read. Try to check ~/.xsession-error for
some useful error. FYI the remaining battery level is calculated by
the following formula FYI:

remaining capacity / last full capacity * 100

If youre planning to use this battery, either try other battery
monitors or have a script to calculate above values periodically and
give a warning. Otherwise at some point your system will get as
corrupted as your battery. Good luck.


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