
Doing some research on building me a new rig. I have ran into sort of a hick up. The socket types are confusing me here. This is the mobo that I *might* be getting.


If that link don't work, it is a MSI 790XT-G45 mobo.

I do most of my shopping on newegg and was looking for a CPU heat sink to go on that bad boy. The MSI website says AM2+. When I start to looking on newegg, there are several sockets that have AM2+ in it. My question is, which is which or will any of them fit?

The CPU I am looking at is a AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition Deneb 3.0GHz and it says it is a AM2+ as well. I assume that will fit the mobo? ;-) It doesn't come with a cooler tho.

I may end up picking something else for the mobo and CPU but I do want to figure out what the differences are between these socket types and what fits what. Explanations are good and links are good too. Pictures may even be better. lol



:-)  :-)

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