On 6/12/2010, at 12:20am, Mark Knecht wrote:
> ...
>   In general graphics within XP over shh are fine - nearly as fast as
> running an X app on the same machine. When I click on something I get
> a new app screen within XP painted and displayed here quickly. Only
> the mouse cursor is so slow as to make the machine very difficult to
> use.
>   I'm wondering if there might be a better way to run that sort of
> setup so that the cursor responsiveness is more reasonable?

Remote desktop seems to be much better over slow connections like this.

There are a number of ways of doing this. I've used net-misc/rdesktop in a 
pinch, but couldn't say how responsive it is. You could also run Windows 
locally and use Microsoft's own Remote Desktop viewer, as that is very good, 
and forward the ports in some way.

XP Home may not accept Remote Desktop connections. XP Pro is restricted to a 
single connection, I think, and its setup is a bit fiddly - enabling Remote 
Desktop on 2003 Server is much nicer.


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