luis jure wrote:

hello list,

i'm old-fashioned and i never cared for this automount thing, but now i
have two pen drives and two usb hard disks that i have to mount and umount
all the time, and doing it by hand every time is beginning to be very

i see that distributions like ubuntu and others have this feature by
default: you plug in a pen drive and it creates a mount point under /media
and mounts the device there. but i have no idea to get something like that
working on my gentoo machine. i searched the web, but the documents i
found on the subject are somewhat contradictory and all of them too old
for comfort.

any hints about a standard "gentoo way" to achieve this?

by the way, i use xfce, so i can't use tools specific for kde or gnome, if
they exist.



I know what xfce is but not have no experience with it.  Would this help?

[I] sys-fs/udisks
Available versions: 1.0.1-r1!t{tbz2} 1.0.2!t{tbz2} {bash-completion debug doc nls remote-access} Installed versions: 1.0.2!t{tbz2}(18:36:11 02/25/11)(nls -bash-completion -debug -doc -remote-access)
Description: Daemon providing interfaces to work with storage devices

* xfce-extra/xfce4-mount-plugin
     Available versions:  0.5.5 {debug}
     Description:         Mount plugin for the Xfce panel

That last one should put you on the right path for sure.

Hope the helps.


:-)  :-)

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