On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 14:55:39 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > Yes. the script that I use to start up and enter the chroot for each
> > system not only does the usual mounting of /dev/ and /proc in the
> > chroot, it also rsyncs /etc/portage and /var/lib/portage/world* with
> > the real target. Make.conf has to be maintained manually, because
> > there are settings in the two that need to be different, although I
> > suppose I could split out the common settings, USE, CHOST etc, into a
> > separate file and source that.  
> In my case the chroot is identical in structure to the real target,
> apart from the number of cores, so I can copy make.conf into the chroot
> without risk.

You probably don't want EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--usepkg" in the chroot's

I also turn off the ELOG* functions in the chroot, as the emails it sends
contain the wrong hostname, leading to much confusion.

Neil Bothwick

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