On Thu, 12 May 2011 09:38:15 -0500, Dale wrote:

> Which supports my point.  Maintain KDE3 until KDE4 is stable and 
> usable.  If it is still working, which I think it is tho some fixes
> have had to be made, then why couldn't KDE support KDE3 just a little
> while longer.

Because it would be more than a little while longer. Every day spent
maintaining KDE3 is a day lost to KDE4, the priority was to get KDE4
stable and usable, KDE3 was fine as it was.

The other answers is "they didn't want to". KDE developers are either
volunteers, doing what they want because they can, and what they want is
working on neat stuff for the next release, not old code that is close to
EOL. Or they are employed by the likes of distro makers, who also want
the latest stuff for their products.

Neil Bothwick

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