On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 03:50:02PM +0200, Dale wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > They can do any damn thing they want to with their code. They also you owe
> > support for it in exactly the same amount you paid for it. Which is to say
> > "nothing".
> >
> > It's not a question of "should", it's only a question of "Dale would prefer 
> > it
> > if"
> >
> >    
> So, you think most of the KDE users were happy to see support for KDE3 
> being dropped, especially considering KDE4 was much less than stable?  
> For me and a lot of others, it was worthless at first.  It was good eye 
> candy but not functional even for the little I do.
> Yea, it is what I want but it is also what MANY others wanted.  Some of 
> those people switched to something else or still use KDE3.  It's their 
> code, but if people stop using it, what is it really worth?  I'm sure 
> KDE wants to gain users not piss them off and make them go away.
> For me, if KDE does such a lousy switch over again, I'll be using 
> something else.  Given the posts I read where others have already done 
> so, I doubt I would be alone.  I'm all for second chances.  We all learn 
> the hard way sometimes.  I'm just hoping KDE did.

I had 8 users on kde before 3 was deprecated in 2009.
Now I have zero. It was a harrowing time, switching 
everyone to gnome, finding that is not so hot, finally 
putting them on xfce. If xfce gets a wild hair and changes 
my plan is to dumb down the fluxbox or openbox 
configs I have for my own use, add some scripting and call 
it a day.

No-one disputes the freedom of the devs to do anything 
they wish with their code. 
It's just like anything else in life: you're free to do 
anything you want. Just know the consequences before 
you act or you may get burned.

caveat utilitor 
♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ 

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