On 2011-09-08 20:40, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> The world is never black or white. Under several definitions,
> *nothing* has stopped working.

Hm. Using the same setup as I always have, nothing will stop working
with the new "paradigm"? Great, then what are we arguing about? If
things will work the way they always have without me having to _add_
something completely unnecessary just to be able to boot then I'm all
for it.

>You just need to do extra stuff to keep
> it working.

So functionality _is_ removed then? By definition, I would say that's
something that has stopped working. No, I don't want to install more
crap or change my partitioning that doesn't add any value to _me_...

But as you say, if the rest of the _binary distro_ world decides to do
it there's not much we can do about it than arguing. I don't expect
Gentoo devs to support/maintain something that upstream doesn't support.
I'm just really unhappy about it.

> (Of course, again, is not black and white: the kernel devs, I trust
> almost withouth doubt. GNOME devs I trust less. An unknown hacker with
> a new project I trust almost nothing.)

Hm... I think the kernel devs, Gentoo maintainers are, for the most part
extremely competent and I trust their judgements for the most part (even
though I agree with Linus that the kernel has become bloated).
To put it bluntly: GNOME devs seems like blathering idiots to me,
spewing out crap, trying to mimic MS desktop/functionality as best as
they can which usually ends up a very poor (and buggy) version of it.
Unfortunately it's hard to escape their influence completely but I'm
trying my best (and Gentoo is one of the very few ways of having some
control of this). Concerning new projects I judge it by functionality,
dependencies, "buggyness"...

Best regards

Peter K

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