Alex Schuster wrote:
David W Noon writes:

The more I think about this merge of / and /usr, the dumber I think the
idea is.  As I wrote in an earlier message on this list, the initramfs
will be many times larger than the kernel itself.  Indeed, my /boot
partition is only 32 MiB, and that will be too small to contain all the
extra libraries and programs to run the initramfs script.
Here, I only need 2.2 M for the kernel, 1.7 M for, and 3.5 M
for the initramfs.


Well, that may not be the case for everyone else.

root@fireball / # du -shc /boot/
84M     /boot/
84M     total
root@fireball / #

Of course, while I am redoing my partitions, I guess I can make /boot bigger as well. Heck, may have to change something else before to long. I'm sure someone will find some side corner case where something might happen and decide to fix what isn't broke. Yep, sounds about right to me. It's not the first time for this sort of thing to happen.


:-)  :-)

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