On 25 September 2011 03:15, Nilesh Govindarajan <cont...@nileshgr.com> wrote:
> It's stunning to know that something that's shipped by default with
> Ubuntu sucks so much? Canonical surely must have gone haywire.

It wouldn't be the first time that they've effectively tested software
by pushing it out to their user-base.


I actually think that it's a fundamental problem with their software
distribution model -- there's very little scope for someone to be both
- Using the most up to date distribution version
- Switching between 'stable' implementations of certain features and
'testing' ones.

(Yes, I know about the different repos; I just think that so much
basic functionality is only available through "experimental",
"third-party", "testing" etc. that the majority of users will have
them enabled, and think no further about it).

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