On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 08:30:42 -0800
Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Seriously, LVM looks mighty nice, but it also looks (and is!)
> > mighty complex. 
> I'm exactly as you are WRT to LVM but I admired Dale for giving it a
> shot and I'm sorta feeling like I gotta start learn it just to be part
> of the group... ;-)

The only reasons people find LVM complicated is that the man pages
could stand some re-writing and that most of the guides out on the
intartubes and writing by people equally confused. They give a bunch of
examples and don't explain what all the building blocks of LVM are.

Neil said earlier to spend an hour learning it - this is excellent

The gentoo docs were very good last time I looked at them, but that was
3+ years ago. I doubt they've changed much.

Alan McKinnnon

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