Pandu Poluan wrote:

On Nov 26, 2011 12:05 AM, "Mark Knecht" < <>> wrote:

> I'm exactly as you are WRT to LVM but I admired Dale for giving it a
> shot and I'm sorta feeling like I gotta start learn it just to be part
> of the group... ;-)

Hey, not fair! Dale's got a headstart already with multi-partitions :-)

In the meantime, before I have to rebuild, I'm going to learn me some LVM goodness...


I have this on mine:

/var/tmp/portage on tmpfs.  Nice to have 16Gbs of ram.  :-)

sda1        Primary        ext2        [boot]        197.41
sda2        Primary        swap      [swap]       1003.49
sda3        Primary        reiserfs   [root]        20003.89
sda5        Logical         ext3        [blank]       5000.98
sda6        Logical         ext3        [portage]   12000.69
sda7        Logical         reiserfs   [home]      50001.48
sda8        Logical         ext3        [var]          10001.95

Here is one thing to think about on LVM. If you put /usr on a separate partition, you will need the init thingy, thanks to the dev at fedora. Yea, lower case f just like lower case w for winders. Don't make me spell it the way I want. There is a lady on this list. o_O Anyway, if you are going to do /usr on a separate partition then you may as well have LVM. You are going to have the init thingy anyway. You may as well give the whole bit a try.

LVM has not really been a problem other than me trying to get my sequence and commands straight. If I was going to install again, I would likely have it all on LVM except / and /boot. After all, this is sort of the way fedora does it which is what started the init thingy, in my opinion anyway. I think a Gentoo dev, a really big one, needs to poke the fedora dev in the eye, right one since most are right eye dominant. Might make his keyboard look funny for a while. :/

The init thingy, I have tried making one and booting it. It fails each and every time. I fix one thing, something else breaks. Google finds the same problems but no fixes. I can't seem to find a howto that works for me, including the Gentoo wiki one. Dang fedora !

So, LVM, works fine just have to learn it.  The init thing, sucks !!

I think the partitioning scheme varies on what you are doing with your box tho. For home use, /boot, /, /home and maybe /var. You can do /usr/portage if fragmentation bothers you. I have a /data thing that I started waaaaay back when I was new on Linux and using Mandrake. I really need to move that stuff to my /home directory. I was a bit green at the time. lol I put my TV shows, .iso files and other junk on there. That is on LVM since it seems to grow.

Oh, here is a funny one. Imagine walking up to the computer and seeing knotify taking up 14Gbs of ram. O_O My rig was using all the ram, some cache and slow as leap year. I kill -9'd that thing. Grrrr!!


:-)  :-)

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