On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thankfully eselect news spells it out and this link makes me thing twice about
> my next steps:
>  http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/KDEPIM-4.7_upgrade
> Following Alan's disastrous experience where he saw all his messages disappear
> before his eyes I am doubly cautious.
> Has anyone tried the migration to 4.7 yet?
> Only to make things slightly more complicated ... has anyone tried it who's
> been using sqlite3 like I do, instead of the recommended MySQL?
> Any gotchas other than backups of everything recommended in the news article?


In the KDEPIM full stack, I use only Kopete.  Today I upgraded both
kdepimlibs and kopete to 4.7.3.  After the upgrading, Kwallet did not
work properly (it displayed a totally blank window without any
"wallets").  I started Kopete and immediately I encountered the error

   kopete(xxx) couldn't create slave: Unknown protocol 'file'

Of course Kopete did not work with Kwallet, so I had to type my
password manually.  After typing the password, nothing happened in the
Kopete window, and the error message I got from the terminal was

   kopete(xxx) couldn't create slave: Unknown protocol 'https'

At first I thought there are some broken packages, but revdep-rebuild
didn't help.  I rebuilt kdepimlibs, Kwallet, and Kopete manually with
emerge, didn't help either.  I read the news (from eselect) again,
found the wiki page, followed the direction althought I didn't use
KMail or any other piece of software from the KDEPIM stack, it didn't
work either.  Eventually, I masked the packages (mentioned in the
news) and downgraded kdepimlibs and Kopete to 4.6.3, and everything
worked again!

Just to share my short story today.  And I think KDEPIM should *not*
be marked as stable at the moment.

Kindest regards,
Dương "Yang"
Dương "Yang" ヤン Hà Nguyễn ("Nguyễn Hà Dương" in Vietnamese, 「グエンヤン」 in Japanese)
Web log: http://cmpitg.wordpress.com/
"Life is a hack"

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