On Dec 28, 2011 7:52 AM, "Andrew Lowe" <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
>        I usually use Gentoo as my "normal" Linux but a third party app
I'm about to start using only runs on SUSE. To this end, I'm about to set
aside a smaller partition and install the minimal amnount of SUSE I need to
run the app. My question is regarding /home and swap. Is there anything in
my current Gentoo /home and swap that "locks" them to the Gentoo install or
can I share them between the two installs? What I mean by share is that
when I boot up Gentoo can I mount /home and swap and everything is fully
accessible and then reboot into SUSE and once again mount them and
everything is once again fully accessible?
>        I'm not doing anything "snazzy" such as LVM or encryption, just
bog standard Linux. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
>        Regards,
>                Andrew
Another important factor is desktop environment. Various settings can cause
troubles in either ones.

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