On 01/02/2012 11:22 AM, Mark Knecht wrote:

I'm not clear. You allow your server customers to modify your servers,
or what, they asked you to install stuff and now you don't know which
of them was needed and why? I'm just not clear.

They ask us to install stuff, and now we don't know which ones are needed.

My basic response, again allowing that I don't run servers that have
'customers' on them, is that 'equery depends' is the basic path to
determine if any of these are dependencies of other things in the
world file. If they are then they themselves possibly don't need to be
in the world file unless they meet my rule #2 as they are required for
some sort of development work your customer does.

I completely agree about travel time. My family lives 350 miles away.
I've managed their machines for 10 years this way and only once had a
problem that required me to get physical access. In the normal worst
case I have a Live CD with a couple of instructions they can execute
to get me back into the machine.

Well, travel time sucks too, but I was referring to time travel via e.g. a time machine, in case some wise guy tried to answer "well you shouldn't have done that." =)

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