On 01/02/2012 11:16 AM, Michael Mol wrote:

Fine for your home PC, doesn't cut it on servers. I have the following in
one of my world files:


which of those do I want? At least one of them was installed to support a
customer's custom PHP application. Maybe all of them were and they all
belong in world. No one knows, this server is older than the current
--update behavior.

So which ones can I remove?

Solutions involving time travel and/or losing customers will be

Make a backup copy of your world file.

1a. Remove those four lines.
2a. emerge -p --depclean
3a. Did any of those show up in the to-be-removed set? Add them back.

1b. emerge -pev --tree --with-bdeps=y @world
2b Find those packages in the output. The tree form of the display
will help you see if anything is depending on them.
3b. If anything is depending on them, you should be able to safely
remove them from your world file. I'd follow up with the 1a, 2a, 3a
solution to be sure.

Sorry, but these won't work.

Let's say that dev-php/PEAR-Mail_Mime has a dependency on dev-php/PEAR-Mail, but I have a customer who needs dev-php/PEAR-Mail for a contact form.

Following your process, I would remove dev-php/PEAR-Mail from my world file. If I ever remove dev-php/PEAR-Mail_Mime, depclean will remove PEAR-Mail and break the guy's site.

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