On Mon, 02 Jan 2012 16:08:44 -0500
Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:

> Making your software punish its users isn't going to make them more 
> careful, it's going to make them stop using your software. If bash
> did an 'rm -rf /' when you mistyped a command[1], would you think,
> gee, I need to be more careful? Or would you think the guy who made
> it do that was an asshole?

That's an interesting question.

Moving slightly OT, I think most of the devs who worked on portage in
the past (starting with Daniel) have little clue about proper design
and just slapped stuff/features on with little thought. It might not
actually BE that way, but it sure LOOKS like it.

And now finally we have Zac, a brave man who has taken on the thankless
task of sorting the mess out. Most of his deep changes over the past
two years or so are to make things consistent within the overall grand

Stuff breaks badly when you do that. But it has to be done. Today it's
your turn to be on the sharp end. 

Alan McKinnnon

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