On 2012-02-05 3:06 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
In your shoes what I would be doing now is backup your entire mysql
install (everything listed in "equery files mysql"), delete the package
(emerge -C) and remerge mysql.

Then check if starting and stopping works correctly. I suspect you'll
find it will. Now you just need to diff these new files with your
backups and find differences.

Yes, this is sort of the long way round but you're not having much luck
asking "anyone seen this before?", so now it's time to bring out the
big guns

Well, I'd much prefer some more basic troubleshooting first...

I've asked for some kind soul/souls to share their init scripts so I can compare - but I guess I couldg go first... here is the contents of /etc/init.d/mysql:

# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/mysql-init-scripts/files/mysql-5.1.53-init.d,v 1.1 2011/01/13 20:06:06 robbat2 Exp $

depend() {
        use net.lo
        # localmount needed for $basedir
        need localmount

get_config() {
        my_print_defaults --config-file="$1" mysqld |
        sed -n -e "s/^--$2=//p"

mysql_svcname() {
        local ebextra=
        case "${SVCNAME}" in
                mysql*) ;;
                *) ebextra=" (mysql)" ;;
        echo "${SVCNAME}${ebextra}"

start() {
# Check for old conf.d variables that mean migration was not yet done. local varlist="${!mysql_slot_*} ${!MYSQL_BLOG_PID_FILE*} ${!STOPTIMEOUT*}"
        varlist="${varlist// /}"
        # Yes, MYSQL_INIT_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING is a hidden variable.
# It does have a use in testing, as it is possible to build a config file
        # that works with both the old and new init scripts simulateously.
if [ -n "${varlist}" -a -z "${MYSQL_INIT_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING}" ]; then eerror "You have not updated your conf.d for the new mysql-init-scripts-2 revamp."
                eerror "Not proceeding because it may be dangerous."
                return 1

        # Now we can startup
        ebegin "Starting $(mysql_svcname)"


        if [ ! -r "${MY_CNF}" ] ; then
                eerror "Cannot read the configuration file \`${MY_CNF}'"
                return 1

# tail -n1 is critical as these we only want the last instance of the option
        local basedir=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" basedir | tail -n1)
        local datadir=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" datadir | tail -n1)
        local pidfile=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" pid-file | tail -n1)
        local socket=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" socket | tail -n1)

        if [ ! -d "${datadir}" ] ; then
                eerror "MySQL datadir \`${datadir}' is empty or invalid"
                eerror "Please check your config file \`${MY_CNF}'"
                return 1

        if [ ! -d "${datadir}"/mysql ] ; then
eerror "You don't appear to have the mysql database installed yet." eerror "Please run /usr/bin/mysql_install_db to have this done..."
                return 1

        local piddir="${pidfile%/*}"
        if [ ! -d "$piddir" ] ; then
                mkdir "$piddir" && \
                chown mysql "$piddir"
                if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
eerror "Directory $piddir for pidfile does not exist and cannot be created"
                        return 1

        local startup_timeout=${STARTUP_TIMEOUT:-900}
        local startup_early_timeout=${STARTUP_EARLY_TIMEOUT:-1000}
        local tmpnice="${NICE:+"--nicelevel "}${NICE}"
        local tmpionice="${IONICE:+"--ionice "}${IONICE}"
        start-stop-daemon \
                ${DEBUG/*/"--verbose"} \
                --start \
                --exec "${basedir}"/sbin/mysqld \
                --pidfile "${pidfile}" \
                --background \
                --wait ${startup_early_timeout} \
                ${tmpnice} \
                ${tmpionice} \
                -- --defaults-file="${MY_CNF}" ${MY_ARGS}
        local ret=$?
        if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ] ; then
                eend ${ret}
                return ${ret}

        ewaitfile ${startup_timeout} "${socket}"
        eend $? || return 1

        save_options pidfile "${pidfile}"
        save_options basedir "${basedir}"

stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping $(mysql_svcname)"

        local pidfile="$(get_options pidfile)"
        local basedir="$(get_options basedir)"
        local stop_timeout=${STOP_TIMEOUT:-120}

        start-stop-daemon \
                ${DEBUG/*/"--verbose"} \
                --stop \
                --exec "${basedir}"/sbin/mysqld \

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