On 13.03.2012 09:15, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
If I'm understanding you, you want:

/dev/XX   /mnt/p1   ...
/dev/YY   /mnt/p2   ...

and then

/usr/portage ->  /mnt/p1
/usr/src ->  /mnt/p2

(or using bindmounting, whatever).

This makes no sense at all (at least not to me), when you can simply:

/dev/XX   /usr/portage   ...
/dev/YY   /usr/src   ...

and get the same split filesystem, but without all the complication
you are proposing.

Unless there is something I don't understand, in which case I'm not
following your reasoning.

There are 2 possible things one can do:

1) Split everything, /usr, /usr/src, /usr/portage each on a seperate filesystem. 2) Seperate multiple paths from /usr: Have 1 fs /mnt/data and link (or bind mount) /usr/src, /usr/portage there. You have a shared fs for dirx, that are usually not shared.

What would be the benefits of symlinks and bind mounts for doing 2)?


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