On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 22:21:11 -0400, Michael Mol wrote:

> There is so much BS being spewed around this topic, I'm genuinely
> disgusted. It's enough to lead me to suspect that Linux, as a
> platform, is *dying*.

It's not dying, it's evolving - with the associated growing pains. Of
course, that's not to say it couldn't evolve the way of the dodo.

> The "true UNIX way" is about KISS philosophy. Keep it Simple, Stupid.
> Keep things small, well-defined and modular. Break things into
> components, keep the components small and relatively well-defined.

That, IMO, is the problem with the current filesystem layout. The split
between / and /usr is anything but well-defined. Putting things in
different boxes based on their function is good practice. Doing it based
on some arbitrary size limit on the box is not.

It makes me think of Ubuntu's insistence on fitting their installer on a
single CD, even if it means omitting useful software or having the
installer sneakily download components in the background.

Neil Bothwick

Bugs are Sons of Glitches

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