I started a thread a while ago about looking for an accelerated video
card.  I went and got an ASUS EN210 Silent PCIe card and followed the
instructions at the Gentoo Nouveau wiki.  I have not been able to get X
running yet.  Trying to launch X with startx blanks the screen, and I
can't get it back.  Note that the machine does *NOT* lock up, rather the
video gets disabled until I reboot.  I can ssh into the machine.  It
appears to be working fine.  If I...

* start a root text console in TTY8
* switch to TTY9
* startx

  The screen goes blank and I can't get graphics or GUI, no matter what
I do.  I can ssh in from another machine and things look OK.  As a
matter of fact, I can {CTRL-ALT-F8} and blindly issue the command
"reboot" or "halt -p", and it gets executed.  The attached Xorg.log file
shows nothing wrong.  "Xorg -configure" does generate an xorg.conf.new
file, but screams about...

(EE) [drm] No DRICreatePCIBusID symbol
Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.
  Configuration failed.
Server terminated with error (2). Closing log file.

  The Gentoo Nouveau wiki says that message comes either from disabling
DRI (which I didn't do) or from the wrong opengl.  I only have the xorg
version.  Any ideas?  Do the proprietary Nvidia drivers work with kernel
3.2.12?  I'm running with mdev instead of udev.  Would that make a

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

Attachment: Xorg.0.log.gz
Description: Binary data

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