On Jun 2, 2012 1:13 PM, "Andrew Lowe" <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
>        I've just kicked off an "emerge -NuD world" and will now head out
for a while. My emerge has to do, amongst others, gcc, libreoffice, Firefox
& Thunderbird. Now when I get back I'll want to know where the emerge is up
to so, in my ignorance of portage/emerge in great depth and with only
compiler output spewing up the screen, I'll fire up another terminal, and
now don't laugh, I'll do "emerge --pretend -NuD world". That will tell me
what's currently being compiled as it will be the top thingy on the list.
There has to be a better way....
>        Is there a way so that the terminal that the emerge is happening
in can display additional info? At the moment, I get:
> /home/agl: emerge
> can I get, say:
> /home/agl: emerge www-client/firefox
> by setting some config variable? Failing that is there a log file that
lists just what's been emerged, not a whole lot of "checking this, checking
that, compiling this file, linking that library, whoops, error here..."
sort of thing.
>        Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,

I never tried it while an emerge @world us running, but elogv/elogviewer
sorts by last emerge time.

Thus, the last package emerged -- successfully or not -- is topmost.


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