David Kuhl writes:

> I need a Gentoo Expert to take a look at this.  Are there any in NYC
> around West 72nd?  I've got to get this laptop working.  After
> following the recomendations on building the latest kernel I don't
> have a system anymore.  Everything on my LVM2 partitions are gone or
> at least not working. 

Use a live-cd (I recommend systemrescuecd), and see what the lvscan oer
lvdisplay command gives. Does it still find the LVMs? Then your data
should be okay. You may need to enter 'vgchange -a y' to make them active.
Then try to mount the partititions. pvscan / pvdisplay and vgscan /
vgdisplay also give some information.

> I added genkernel ~amd64 to the
> portage/package.keywords as suggested to get the latest genkernel to
> build . . . which it did.  Now the kernel (3.3.8) which was suppose to
> fix the xorg-server problem destroyed the system, I can't boot to the
> old kernel either it's the same thing.  This is getting worse.  How
> can I fix this?  Is there anyone near by?  Thanks.

What exactly happens? Do you have a separate /usr? I assume you only see
the root partitition, and most services do not start because of missing
partitions? Do you get a rescue shell only? Does lvscan work there? Maybe
vgchange -a y and exit will continue the boot process?

Give us some information on what exactly happens, and we'll try to help
you. I can imagine how you feel, I've been there, too.

If you cannot open your partitions even from a live-cd, maybe someone
will allow you to log in to his system via ssh -L :1234:localhost:22
user@host, and the helping person could then log into your system with
ssh -p 1234 localhost and have a look. I'd do this, but here it's time to
get some sleep now, so I can't help at the moment.


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