Alan McKinnon writes:

On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 17:33:05 -0700
Mark Knecht <> wrote:

Like Paul and many others I've never looked back. I'm no power user,
and contrary to a lot of the press out there I don't think you need to
be to use this distro.

That's actually quite perceptive and correct.

You don't need to be a genius wise-ass to use Gentoo. You just need to
have some brain-smarts and a willingness to look after your own stuff

It takes some more time though to maintain it, compared to the other distros. And the installation is much more complicated of course.

But unless you need very basic stuff only, it pays off later I think. When you get into trouble, there are decent howtos that usually do not simply explain _what_ to do, but _why_. When you installed your own Gentoo, you already know a lot about Linux. And where to look in case of problems. Other distros often hide what's going on deeper, and that's nice when all works, but when not, you're screwed.

It's also much more fun to actually _solve_ problems on Gentoo, than just googling how some other Ubuntu user 'solved' his problem by trying various commands that you do not understand what they do, but that might also work in your case. Or not.


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