On 09/24/2012 05:34:51 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 13/09/12 14:37, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

Since a short time I have a critical problem with sshfs.
I cannot unmount it !

Doing, e.g.,

sshfs -o transform_symlinks -o Cipher="blowfish" numa-sv:/Save /numa-sv

works just fine.


BUT trying to do (which has been working for a long time)

fusermount -u /numa-sv

now gives

fusermount: entry for /numa-sv not found in /etc/mtab

OK, the culprit was util-linux-2.22. If you want a fix right now, the upstream patch that fixed the issue is:


Yes, many thanks for your effort.

I'm breathing a sigh of relief!

Now, my daily backups work again,


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