On Oct 15, 2012 2:59 PM, "Neil Bothwick" <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 05:23:44 -0700, walt wrote:
> > In fact, I blame all the new problems with both gnome3 and kde4
> > on video compositing.  All the whiz-bang kids doing desktop
> > development are determined to use compositing anywhere they can
> > possibly use it, even if it's silly.
> KDE has a checkbox to enable/disable it, and it is disabled by default if
> the system hardware is unsuitable. I agree about the unnecessary
> proliferation of hardware-hammering eye candy, but have no problems with
> it being there as long as it's optional.
> --
> Neil Bothwick
> The best antiques are old friends.

I have always loved gnome more than kde or anything else. About 2 years ago
I had to use Windows till about 3 months ago, and I came back to gentoo and
used gnome again. But I didn't feel that comfortable and home, so I tried
kde and some other desktop environments, but these felt even worse. I found
cinnamon and used it with  gdm, what made me happy for a while. But I
couldn't find an easy way to configure this system to my needs. I found no
way to change the gdm background for example. I googled for a couple of
days. So I tried to get rid of gnome, but I have some programmms, that use
it. I use Openbox and slim now, I could configure it within half a day, and
I'm happy now.

By the way, I got used to tabbing terminal.in gnome-terminal, does someone
know a tabbing terminal without gnome or kde or something this big?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Randolph Maaßen

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