On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:43 AM, João Matos <jaon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List.
> I've heard here that systemd is faster the openrc, so I decided to try it.
> And indeed, it is :). I've spent many hours to make my system totaly
> functional again, but it totally worth it.


> There is just one little problem remaining: NetworkManager starts, I can
> connect the internet, but my kde applet cant see it is started, so I can't
> manage my connections. It seems some people had similar problem, and were
> able to solve it, but the topics weren't clear enough for me. I also seems
> that there is something to to with pam or polkit.

You need to move everything to use systemd. If an ebuild has optional
dependencies on both systemd and consolekit, you need to set systemd,
and disable consolekit. At least that's the way it works now with
GNOME, and even some networkmanager versions needed to pick only one
between consolekit and systemd. For good measure, you should be able
to uninstall consolekit; it's deprecated, nobody is maintaining it,
and it relies on hacks to work. systemd's session tracking is much
more reliable and nicer.

In particular, the following packages should be using the systemd USE
flag, and not the consolekit one:

sys-apps/accountsservice (don't know if KDE uses this)
sys-auth/pambase (<==== CRITICAL)
sys-auth/polkit (<==== CRITICAL)
sys-fs/udisks (optional, I think)
sys-power/upower (optional, I think)

It used to be that you could install systemd, check it out, and if you
didn't like it you just didn't used it (there was not even the need to
uninstall it). However, consolekit is for all practical purposes dead,
and systemd does that job better and with more features. So now you
need to decide at compile time which one you wanna use; you cannot mix

> The topics I'm talking about:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=144763
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-924004-start-0.html
> Since we're talking about systemd, is it possible to it display something
> during de boot, as openrc did? I just got a black screen until kdm starts.
> I'll work on plymout, but I still think the informations r important.

Plymouth will just hide even more information; it looks really pretty,
though. I don't think you need to checkout anything at boot (I'm
pretty sure the problems are the ones I mentioned it), but to debug
systemd put this on your kernel command line: systemd.log_level=debug.
All the boot output gets logged into /var/log/boot.log; also, using
journalctl -b will give you all the output from the system from the
last time you rebooted.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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