Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Feel free to set me straight tho.  As long as you don't tell me my
>> system is broken and has not been able to boot for the last 9 years
>> without one of those things.  ROFL
> Nobody's telling you _your_ system, as in the collection of programs
> you use for your productivity, is broken. What we're saying is that
> _the_ system, as in the general practice as compared to the
> specification, is broken. Those are two _very_ different things.
> --
> This email is:    [ ] actionable   [ ] fyi        [x] social
> Response needed:  [ ] yes          [x] up to you  [ ] no
> Time-sensitive:   [ ] immediate    [ ] soon       [x] none

>From what I have read, they are saying what has worked for decades has
been broken the whole time.  Doesn't matter that it works for millions
of users, its broken.  They say it is broken so they can "fix it" with a
init thingy for EVERYONE.  Sorry, that's like telling me my car has been
broken for the last ten years when I have been driving it to town and it
runs just fine. 

The udev/systemd people sound like politicians.  We want to change
something so something must be broke, let's fix it.  They get together,
make some new rules and it actually ends up being worse then what it
originally was.  Do they back up and try to come up with something else,
no, they try to fix it some more which leads to more problems.  This
continues until it falls in on itself OR someone with some sense
realizes we need to go back to where it was and make it work like it has
for so many years.  The eudev folks are planning to continue with what
has worked, that's my reading on it anyway.



:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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