On Wed, 31 Aug 2005 03:36:57 +0200
Holly Bostick wrote:

> Fernando Canizo schreef:
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I find a cute patch to mutt and to use it i modified the ebuild and
> > the pertinent files so now re-emerging mutt builds mutt with this
> > patch. Later i fixed the actual version of mutt so an upgrade cannot
> > erase it.
> > 
> > What i would like to know is how can i do this i a 'gentoo way'. I
> > have listen that there are something called SLOTs, but never used so
> > far (never need them?)
> > 
> > Or the only way is to propose the add of the patch to portage?
> > 
> If the ebuild in Portage hasn't changed, your modified ebuild will
> always be newer; if the ebuild in Portage has changed, it's quite likely
> that whatever patch or functionality you were waiting for has been
> merged into the main tree upstream, or backported into the ebuild, so
> you have an easy migration path back into main Portage (and of course,
> if you care enough about the application and its patchset to modify an
> ebuild and put it in your overlay, checking the ChangeLog of any updated
> ebuilds is not an onerous task).
> If the program has been updated, but your patch still isn't there, then
> you can just copy and modify the updated ebuild and files.

Good post Holly, you should make it into a howto.

2 things spring to mind:

1. i thought that overlay always beats normal portage, but you are
saying newer ebuild file wins (ie if the official ebuild has been
updated but not renamed it will beat what is in overlay. ) - do you have
any reference for that (I sure don't, its just how I thought it worked)

2. Fernando might like to note that the way to introduce a patch to a
package (rather than an amendment to the ebuild) is to use the epatch
command. Commonly the line looks like this:

epatch ${FILESDIR}/cool-all-mutt.patch

In that case the patch is in the files directory below the ebuild file.

If the patch is large or publicly available, you are better NOT to put
it in the portage tree but have it downloaded from a mirror with e
SRC_URI command. If you want an example of this take a look at the
vlc-0.8.2-r1 ebuild (chosen by me cos I was unsuccessfully hacking it
the other day)

> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


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