Mike Gilbert:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Dan Johansson <dan.johans...@dmj.nu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Some of my servers are running with a kernel without module-support.
>> On these servers something has started to pull in sys-apps/kmod, which when 
>> compiled complains about missing modules-support in the kernel (as it 
>> should).
>> Doing an "equery d sys-apps/kmod" I can see that the following two packages 
>> depends on sy-apps/kmod:
>> sys-fs/udev-197-r8 (kmod ? >=sys-apps/kmod-12)
>> virtual/modutils-0 (sys-apps/kmod[tools])
>> sys-fs/udev has "-kmod" in its USE-flags, so that should not be an issue).
>> # emerge --verbose --pretend sys-fs/udev
>> [ebuild   R    ] sys-fs/udev-197-r8  USE="acl openrc -doc -gudev -hwdb 
>> -introspection -keymap -kmod (-selinux) -static-libs" 0 kB
>> With virtual/modutils its an other thing, here we have a circular dependency 
>> between virtual/modutils and sys-apps/kmod if the tools USE-flag is set.
> That circular dep is interesting; sys-apps/kmod only depends on
> virtual/modutils because it inherits linux-mod.eclass.
> Could you file about about the circular dependency please?
I recognized another issue possibly caused by inheriting linux-mod.eclass:
kmod is pulling in virtual/linux-sources as a dependency, which actually
is not necessary at all (and maybe even annoying, it's at least some
hundred megabytes).

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