On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 02:48:19PM -0400, Michael Mol wrote

> Incidentally, if you use ext3, and your kernel supports ext4, chances
> are it's the kernel's ext4 code that's handling your ext3 fs. I don't
> even bother compiling in ext2 and ext3.

  Interesting.  From "make menuconfig"...

[ ]   Use ext4 for ext2/ext3 file systems

...and the help text says...

> Allow the ext4 file system driver code to be used for ext2 or
> ext3 file system mounts.  This allows users to reduce their
> compiled kernel size by using one file system driver for
> ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.

  I usually have a 200 or 250 MEGAbyte (correct!) / partition using
ext2.  /boot is physically on the / partitiion.  The / partition only
gets written to...
* during the emerge "install" step
* when I'm manually tweaking a file in /etc

  Then a swap partition, and the rest of the drive is a honking big
/home partition.  /home/bindmounts/opt and /home/bindmounts/var and
/home/bindmounts/usr and /home/bindmounts/tmp are bind-mounted onto the
corresponding directories in /.  The big /home partition is the one that
I'm considering EXT3 or EXT4.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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