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On 09/29/2013 02:52 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> I can clarify one part of the systemd issue, because I have been 
> involved in this part of the issue for months. Again,  I am not
> trying to start a dispute here, just providing a clarification.
> The choice to install all of the systemd binaries in /usr is not
> an upstream choice. It was a choice made a year ago when our
> systemd team was one person [1], and now the team doesn't want to
> change it because it would require users to go through a migration,
> and the rest of the team doesn't see a benefit in changing it since
> it still links to libraries in /usr/lib.
> I joined the team, primarily to take responsibility for this change
> and to try to make it go as smoothly as possible, but I was
> overruled even though upstream gave us a pretty strong warning
> about it.
> William
> [1] 
> http://blogs.gentoo.org/mgorny/2012/01/04/moving-systemd-into-usr-the-technical-side/
Ouch. So systemd upstream doesn't suggest putting binaries in /usr?
That shows at least a little respect for /bin, et al. Based on the
blog post, I'm getting the feeling that -- for systemd anyway -- the
issues with /usr are caused by its dependencies rather than systemd
itself. If dbus and whatnot were in /bin where they belong, the need
for an initramfs (for separate /usr) and/or dealing with things in a
non-standard place wouldn't need to happen.

I'm not affected by anything regarding the /usr switch, but I'd like
to have a good talk with the first person who decided a
system-critical binary belonged in /usr instead of /bin or /sbin.
They've created a mess for every distro and any project that depends
on their work.
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