On 29/11/2013 21:43, Mick wrote:
> On Friday 29 Nov 2013 16:39:11 Chris Stankevitz wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 6:14 AM, Marc Stürmer <m...@marc-stuermer.de> wrote:
>>> When working under X11 in a terminal and I type "exit" in the shell, the
>>> terminal does not close itself anymore.
>> I had the same problem and fixed it with:
>>   echo =x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-331.20 >> /etc/portage/package.mask
>> This downgraded me to:
>>   x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-325.15  USE="X acpi (multilib) tools
>> -pax_kernel"
> I'm reading all these messages about Nvidia driver versions causing problems 
> and I'm wondering if for my next box I should just stick with radeon, which 
> has not really given me any trouble for as long as I can remember.

nVidia's stuff is not too bad actually, and nouveau is adequate for a
desktop if you don't need fancy 3D.

Two things give nVidia a bad rap (both unfairly IMHO)

1. The latest greatest drivers do often give trouble. What nVidia
considers stable is not what the world considers stable, it's better
described as "good enough to be released for testing".IOW about the same
as ~arch. Graphics hardware is hard to test, there's just so many of
them, so many code paths and so many X-server versions out there. nVidia
usually gets it right eventually, where "eventually" is definitely
"longer than one week"

2. They drop support quite early in current drivers for old cards and
relegate it to legacy drivers. This is their marketing strategy, they
chase the latest and greatest (it's a fast moving market and if you
snooze you lose). If your card is old enough to have no realistic
support at all, there's Nouveau.

So basically it a lot like the kernel. If you want the latest stuff, use
the latest driver and deal with any fallout. If you want stability, stay
two versions behind at least

Alan McKinnon

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